You’ve Paid In For Years…
Don’t Leave Money On The Table.

Social Security

In today’s world, collecting Social Security is more than just signing up as early as age 62.Government rules and regulations have made the decision of how and when to collect more complex!

While no single age or method is appropriate for everyone, when it comes to claiming Social Security benefits, certain strategies can be employed to:

  • Get the most from your benefits,
  • Boost your income in retirement and
  • Potentially reduce the risk of outliving your savings.

For example:

  • How and when you choose to collect your Social Security benefits ultimately depends on your unique circumstances, including your financial situation and family dynamics, health, longevity expectations and retirement savings.
  • If you’re married, you have additional Social Security strategies to consider such as making sure your spouse gets a larger survivor benefit.

Given my specialization with Social Security rules, let me help you sort out your best options!

Did you know that up to 85% of your Social Security income can be taxed?


You may have to pay federal income tax on your Social Security benefits if you have additional income such as wages, self-employment earnings, interest, dividends and other taxable and non-taxable income.

With my experience as a financial advisor and an Enrolled Agent, the highest credential the IRS awards, I can recommend strategies to be sure you pay only your fair share of taxes.